Project Focus
Our projects are focused on implementing a strategy of installing food aggregation facilities that buy from small and midsized farms and aggregate that production to sell to larger institutional, commercial markets. Our three-prong strategy of farmer food safety training and certification, development of food hubs and opening new markets for North Shore farmers will ensure that agriculture remains as a key component of the region’s economy.
What can we do for you?
North Shore EVP is focused on driving civic and civil leadership on the North Shore. Through analysis of regional economic data, we engage the community to identify opportunities that can contribute to economic growth and the creation of new jobs from existing assets and resources. All of our projects are community-driven and are sensitive to our quality of life and environmental and cultural values. Do you have an idea for a project we would be interested in? Drop us a line!
Current Projects
2501 Project
The BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS project aims to support socially disadvantaged, veteran, and beginning farmers and ranchers (SDFRVs) on Kaua‘i and O‘ahu by enhancing their ability to own and operate farms and participate equitably in USDA agricultural programs. The program focuses on increasing awareness and access to USDA programs, providing USDA GroupGAP training, and deploying outreach and education, particularly targeting Thai and Mandarin-speaking farmers often excluded due to socioeconomic and language barriers. Through workshops, translated materials, interpreter services, and smartphone apps, the project seeks to improve the participation of 350 SDFRVs in USDA programs, engage 15 non-English speaking farmers in USDA GroupGAP training, and offer business training and services to build successful farming operations.
Opening New Markets for Small Farms by Expanding Hawai‘iʻs USDA GroupGAP Food Safety Certification Program. NIFAʻs Food Safety Outreach Program (FSOP) focuses on delivery of food safety education and outreach programs in local communities. Our project will pair GroupGAP outreach with in person on-farm visits as well as virtual events that are capable of reaching a broad audience. Events will include GroupGAP webinars, Partner Outreach Events, and Harmonized GAP Farm Days on each island and will provide live demonstrations of the digital record keeping system. The project begins in September 2022.

USDA GroupGAP Food Safety Certification Program
In planning for a regional food aggregation facility (food hub) we identified the Food Safety & Modernization Act (FSMA) as a significant barrier that would prevent products from most small North Shore farms to be sold to larger, institutional markets that require food safety certification. This first-in-the-state USDA program is creating a network of food safety certified farms that concentrate on growing food and creating new farm jobs. Farmers participating in this program are beginning to access new and more stable markets. The planned Food Hub will combine the production of many small farms to service larger institutional markets in the region thereby giving local farms access to larger local markets.
Let’s Get Started
If you have ideas about projects that align with the mission of North Shore EVP, get engaged and drop us a line.
Past Projects
- C & C Grant in Aid (ended 9/30/22)
- INK Architects: Packing House Technical Assistance
- Hawaii GroupGAP: Neighbor Island Farmer Training and New Market Access Workshop
- Food Safety digital record keeping training, High Plains Co-op, Plainview, Minnesota
- Food Safety digital record keeping training, Mileston Co-op, Jackson, MS
- County of Hawai‘i, Economic Development Assistance
- City & County of Honolulu, Office of Economic Resiliency Food Safety Training to Oahu Farmers
- Ag Water Testing for Hawaii Farmers
- Safe and Stable Kauai Farms Initiative
- Oahu Safe Farms Initiative
- Developing a Shared Agenda
- Free Ag. Water Testing for Hawaii Island Farmers
- Hawaii Superfoods Project
- Hawaii Community Foundation Change Grant
C & C Grant in Aid (ended 9/30/22)
Building on the success of and interest generated from the Oahu Safe Farms Initiative, North Shore EVP received funds from the City and County of Honolulu to support farm recruitment and USDA Harmonized GAP training, resulting in completion of internal audits and USDA third party audits for Oʻahu farms participating in Cohort 6 of our GroupGAP program.
INK Architects: Packing House Technical Assistance
North Shore EVP partnered with INK ARCH LLC (INK) in contract with the State Dept. of Corrections to provide design services for a new wash/processing facility to serve the needs of the Waiawa Correctional Facility’s 8-acre farm.
Hawaii GroupGAP: Neighbor Island Farmer Training and New Market Access Workshop
The Hawaii GroupGAP: Neighbor Island Farmer Training & New Market Access Workshop Project is focused on expanding our USDA GroupGAP Program statewide so that farms beyond Oahu can lower the cost of obtaining their Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we shifted the hands-on workshops and in person demonstrations originally proposed, and focused our efforts on adopting digital record keeping system with a small pilot program of Oahu based farms.
Food Safety digital record keeping training, High Plains Co-op, Plainview, Minnesota
North Shore EVP partnered with Fresh Systems LLC and the High Plains Food Co-op based in Plainview, Minnesota to provide training and technical assistance in deploying a digital record keeping system for Harmonized GAP food safety compliance. North Shore EVP has been working with HeavyConnect to develop in-house training, support, and management tools to efficiently manage farms participating in the USDA GroupGAP program. Through these training sessions the designated leads from Fresh Systems LLC and High Plains Food Co-op developed expertise and technical capacity using HeavyConnect including how to manage, review, and customize digital records and how to prepare for successful audits on the digital platform.
Food Safety digital record keeping training, Mileston Co-op, Jackson, MS
North Shore Mileston Co-op based in Tchula, Mississippi to provide training and technical assistance in deploying a digital record keeping system for Harmonized GAP food safety compliance. North Shore EVP has been working with HeavyConnect to develop in-house training, support, and management tools to efficiently manage farms participating in the USDA GroupGAP program. Through these training sessions the designated leads from Mileston Co-op developed expertise and technical capacity using HeavyConnect including how to manage, review, and customize digital records and how to prepare for successful audits on the digital platform.
County of Hawai‘i, Economic Development Assistance
Development of a scoping paper discussing the alignment and complimentary objectives of a Hawai‘i Island Clusters of Opportunity regional economic analysis with the county proposed EDA Build Back Better project.
City & County of Honolulu, Office of Economic Resiliency Food Safety Training to Oahu Farmers
North Shore EVP received funding support to complete food safety training in the USDA Harmonized GAP standard for three Oʻahu farms. Farmers received assistance in risk assessment, development of a farm food safety plan, employee training, and preparation for USDA audits.
Ag Water Testing for Hawaii Farmers
The Ag. Water Testing Project for Hawaii Farmers provided free water sample analysis for farmers across the state to identify “point in time” water quality parameters and educate farmers on FSMA water quality guidelines. This project was supported by the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation.
Safe & Stable Kauai Farms Initiative
The Safe and Stable Kauai Farms Initiative, funded by the County of Kauai CARES Act, is a project of North Shore EVP, Mālama Kaua‘i, and CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service. The cohort of 40 participating fruit and vegetableproducers attended a 3-day Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Grower Training,receiving their certificate of completion for the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requiredtraining. After the on-site farm assessments is a grant program, which is providing each farm $5,250 tospend on those needed upgrades for food safety, technology, and business needs. The funds areintended to help their farms become safer and open up new business opportunities.The final stage of the project is advanced workshops from North Shore EVP this fall on topics suchas infrastructure, recordkeeping, employee training, and a Worker Protections Standard (WPS)certification.
Oahu Safe Farms Initiative
The Oahu Safe Farms Initiative is an abbreviated version of the Kauai program funded by the Hawaii Community Foundation by the City & County of Honolulu CARES Act. The project will reach up to 30 Oahu farms and will include on farm inspections, water testing, advanced workshops from North Shore EVP this fall on topics suchas infrastructure, recordkeeping, employee training, and a Worker Protections Standard (WPS)certification and on-farm upgrades for food safety, technology, and business needs up to $5,000.
Developing A Shared Agenda
In 2012 a coalition of individuals and organizations committed to the vision of economic vitality of the North Shore joined together to support a first ever regional economic analysis. This project provided an in-depth examination of future opportunities in both the North Shore Experience (tourism and retail) and Sustainable Agriculture & Working Landscapes (Agriculture and Land Use) industry clusters, while also examining how an emerging concentration of Professional & Technical Services fits into a regional action plan.
One of the key discoveries from our research and community discussions is how intertwined our region’s clusters are. The North Shore Experience cluster would not attract the number of visitors that it does without the stunning backdrop of our beaches, mountains and open spaces. Both the Sustainable Agriculture & Working Landscapes cluster and the North Shore Experience cluster share a commitment to maintaining the beauty of the land, while connecting and incorporating regional assets to support and grow the local economy.
Free Ag. Water Testing for Hawaii Island Farmers
The Free Ag. Water Testing Project for Hawaii Island Farmers conducted water sample analysis for farmers on Kauai and Oahu. This project was supported by the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center and the Hawaii Farm Bureau.
HI Superfoods Project
The Hawaii Superfoods Project will increase access and awareness of Hawaii specialty crops throughout the state by educating the public on the availability of Hawaii specialty crops that possess exceptional nutritional value. Superfoods are defined as a nutrient rich food considered to be especially good fir health and well-being. Through this project we are partnering with local growers and CSA’s to promote a variety of Hawaii’s superfoods though consumer outreach and social media campaigns.
Hawaii Community Foundation Change Grant
North Shore EVP is the recipient of a 2021 Hawaii Community Foundation CHANGE Grant. The CHANGE framework identifies six sectors where the community, and itʻs ability to thrive, is affected by inequity. Grants awarded in this program can be used for general operations and program expenses, providing the flexibility for organizations to focus on their target work.